Amadeus API Returning Error 500 Only in PROD: Unraveling the Mystery
Image by Semara -

Amadeus API Returning Error 500 Only in PROD: Unraveling the Mystery

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck in a frustrating loop of error 500s when trying to integrate the Amadeus API into your production environment. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. In this article, we’ll guide you through the most common causes and solutions to get your Amadeus API up and running smoothly in PROD.

Before We Dive In…

For the uninitiated, Amadeus is a leading provider of travel technology solutions, and their API is a powerful tool for developers to access a vast range of travel-related services. However, like any complex system, it’s not immune to errors. Error 500, in particular, is a generic HTTP status code indicating a server-side error. In the context of the Amadeus API, it usually means something’s gone awry on their end or with your implementation.

Common Causes of Error 500 in Amadeus API (PROD Only)

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s cover the most common reasons why you might be experiencing error 500 in your production environment:

  • Invalid API credentials or authentication issues
  • Incorrect API endpoint or request formatting
  • Rate limiting or quota exhaustion
  • Network connectivity issues or firewall restrictions
  • Amadeus API maintenance or downtime
  • Dependency conflicts or outdated libraries
  • Misconfigured proxy settings

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

Now that we’ve covered the common causes, let’s walk through a systematic approach to identify and resolve the error 500 issue in your Amadeus API integration:

Step 1: Verify API Credentials and Authentication

Double-check your API credentials, including the client ID, client secret, and API key. Ensure they’re correct and match the ones provided by Amadeus. Also, review your authentication flow to ensure it’s correct and compliant with Amadeus’ guidelines.

 curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

In the above example, replace `YOUR_API_KEY` with your actual API key. If you’re using a library or framework, ensure it’s correctly configured and passing the API credentials.

Step 2: Review API Endpoint and Request Formatting

Verify that you’re using the correct API endpoint, HTTP method, and request formatting. Refer to Amadeus’ API documentation for the specific endpoint you’re trying to access. Pay attention to URL encoding, parameter ordering, and data types.

For example, if you’re trying to retrieve flight offers, ensure you’re using the correct endpoint and parameters:

GET /v2/shopping/flightOffers?origin=NYC&destination=LAX&departureDate=2023-03-01

Step 3: Check Rate Limiting and Quota Exhaustion

Review your API usage and rate limiting settings. Ensure you’re not exceeding the allowed requests per minute or hour. You can check your current usage and quota in the Amadeus API dashboard.

To avoid rate limiting, consider implementing caching, exponential backoff, or circuit breakers in your application.

Step 4: Investigate Network Connectivity Issues

Verify that your network connection is stable and can reach the Amadeus API endpoints. Check for any firewall restrictions or proxies that might be blocking the requests.

Try using tools like `curl` or `ping` to test the connection:

curl -v

Step 5: Check Amadeus API Maintenance or Downtime

Visit the Amadeus API status page or social media channels to check for any ongoing maintenance, outages, or scheduled downtimes.

Step 6: Review Dependency Conflicts and Outdated Libraries

Ensure that you’re using the latest versions of dependencies and libraries. If you’re using a wrapper library, check for any updates or compatibility issues with the Amadeus API.

Review your project’s dependency tree to identify any potential conflicts:

pip freeze | grep amadeus

Step 7: Misconfigured Proxy Settings

Verify that your proxy settings are correct and not interfering with the Amadeus API requests. Check your proxy configuration and ensure it’s not blocking the requests.

Try disabling your proxy or using a tool like `curl` with the `-x` option to bypass the proxy:

curl -x http://your-proxy-server:8080

Troubleshooting Tools and Resources

To aid in your troubleshooting journey, here are some useful tools and resources:

  • Amadeus API Documentation: The official API documentation provides detailed information on endpoints, parameters, and error handling.
  • Amadeus API Status Page: Check the status page for any ongoing maintenance, outages, or scheduled downtimes.
  • cURL: A command-line tool for testing HTTP requests and verifying API responses.
  • Postman: A popular API testing tool for debugging and analyzing API requests and responses.
  • Fiddler: A web debugging proxy that helps you inspect and debug HTTP traffic.
  • Amadeus API Support: Reach out to Amadeus’ API support team for assistance with specific issues or questions.


Error 500 in the Amadeus API can be frustrating, but by following this step-by-step guide, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue. Remember to methodically check your API credentials, authentication, endpoint formatting, rate limiting, network connectivity, and dependency conflicts. Don’t forget to utilize the troubleshooting tools and resources provided to aid in your debugging journey. If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to Amadeus’ API support team for further assistance.

Happy coding, and may the API be with you!

Error Code Description Solution
500 Internal Server Error Follow the troubleshooting guide and verify API credentials, authentication, endpoint formatting, rate limiting, network connectivity, and dependency conflicts.

If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the steps, feel free to ask in the comments below. Happy to help!

  1. Before attempting to troubleshoot, ensure you’re using the correct Amadeus API credentials and authentication flow.
  2. Verify that you’re using the correct API endpoint, HTTP method, and request formatting.
  3. Check your API usage and rate limiting settings to avoid quota exhaustion.
  4. Investigate network connectivity issues and ensure your proxy settings are correct.
  5. Review Amadeus API maintenance or downtime schedules.
  6. Check for dependency conflicts and outdated libraries.
  7. Misconfigured proxy settings can also cause issues, so double-check your proxy configuration.

Remember, troubleshooting is an iterative process. Be patient, methodical, and persistent, and you’ll eventually resolve the error 500 issue in your Amadeus API integration.

Frequently Asked Question

Amadeus API returning error 500 only in PROD? Let’s troubleshoot together!

Why is Amadeus API returning error 500 only in PROD environment?

Error 500 typically indicates an internal server error on Amadeus’ side. However, it’s odd that it only occurs in the PROD environment. It’s possible that there’s a configuration issue specific to your PROD setup. Double-check your API credentials, endpoint URLs, and any custom configurations you may have implemented.

Are there any logs I can check to identify the root cause of the error?

Yes, you should definitely check the logs! Both Amadeus and your application logs can provide valuable insights into what’s causing the error. Look for any error messages, warnings, or unexpected behavior around the time the error occurred. You might also want to enable debug logging or use a logging tool to help you pinpoint the issue.

Could it be related to rate limiting or quota issues?

It’s possible! Amadeus API has rate limits and quotas in place to prevent abuse. If you’re exceeding these limits, you might encounter error 500. Review your usage and ensure you’re within the allowed limits. You can also check the Amadeus API documentation or reach out to their support team to clarify any usage concerns.

What if I’ve recently updated my code or dependencies?

A recent code or dependency update might be the culprit! It’s possible that the changes introduced a bug or incompatibility with the Amadeus API. Try rolling back to a previous version or carefully reviewing the changes to identify any potential issues. You can also test your code in a separate environment to isolate the problem.

When all else fails, what’s the best way to contact Amadeus API support?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Amadeus API support! They’re there to help you. Be prepared to provide detailed information about the error, including any relevant logs, request/response data, and your implementation details. This will help them assist you more efficiently. You can usually find their contact information in the Amadeus API documentation or through their developer portal.

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