bump2version: How to Use the branchName in the Commit Message?
Image by Semara - hkhazo.biz.id

bump2version: How to Use the branchName in the Commit Message?

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Are you tired of manually editing your commit messages to include the branch name? Do you want to automate this process and make your workflows more efficient? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to use the branchName in the commit message with bump2version.

What is bump2version?

bump2version is a Python package that allows you to easily manage version numbers in your projects. It provides a simple and easy-to-use way to update version numbers in your code, and even automatically commit the changes to your version control system. But did you know that you can also use bump2version to include the branch name in your commit message?

Why Use the branchName in the Commit Message?

Including the branch name in the commit message can be incredibly useful for several reasons:

  • It provides context: By including the branch name, you can quickly see which branch the commit was made on, making it easier to track changes and debug issues.

  • It streamlines workflows: Automating the inclusion of the branch name saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

  • It improves collaboration: When working with a team, including the branch name in the commit message makes it easier for others to understand the context of the commit.

How to Use the branchName in the Commit Message with bump2version

So, how do you actually use the branchName in the commit message with bump2version? It’s easier than you think! Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Install bump2version

First, you need to install bump2version. You can do this using pip:

pip install bump2version

Step 2: Configure bump2version

Next, you need to configure bump2version to include the branch name in the commit message. You can do this by creating a `.bumpversion.cfg` file in the root of your project.

commit = True
tag = False

commit = v{new_version} ({branch})

In this example, we’re telling bump2version to include the branch name in the commit message using the `{branch}` placeholder.

Step 3: Use bump2version to Update Your Version Number

Now, whenever you want to update your version number, you can use bump2version. For example, to update to version 1.2.3, you would run:

bump2version --new-version 1.2.3

bump2version will then automatically commit the changes with a commit message that includes the branch name:

v1.2.3 (feat/new-feature)

Advanced Usage: Using Environment Variables

bump2version also allows you to use environment variables in your commit message. For example, you can use the `BRANCH` environment variable to include the current branch name in the commit message:

commit = v{new_version} ({env:BRANCH})

Then, when you run bump2version, you would set the `BRANCH` environment variable to the current branch name:

BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) bump2version --new-version 1.2.3

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Here are some common issues you might encounter when using bump2version to include the branch name in the commit message, along with some troubleshooting tips:

Issue Troubleshooting Tip
The branch name is not being included in the commit message. Check that you have correctly configured the `.bumpversion.cfg` file and that the `BRANCH` environment variable is set correctly.
bump2version is not committing the changes. Make sure that you have set `commit = True` in the `.bumpversion.cfg` file.
The branch name is not being updated correctly. Check that you are using the correct syntax for the `{branch}` placeholder in the commit message.


Including the branch name in the commit message with bump2version is a simple yet powerful way to streamline your workflows and improve collaboration. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily automate the inclusion of the branch name in your commit messages, saving you time and effort. So why not give it a try today and see the benefits for yourself?

Remember to always keep your workflows streamlined and efficient, and happy coding!


Q: What is the purpose of including the branch name in the commit message?

A: Including the branch name in the commit message provides context, streamlines workflows, and improves collaboration.

Q: How do I configure bump2version to include the branch name in the commit message?

A: You can configure bump2version by creating a `.bumpversion.cfg` file in the root of your project and adding the `{branch}` placeholder to the commit message.

Q: Can I use environment variables in the commit message?

A: Yes, you can use environment variables in the commit message, such as the `BRANCH` environment variable to include the current branch name.

Q: What if I encounter issues with bump2version?

A: Check the troubleshooting tips in this article, and if you’re still having issues, refer to the bump2version documentation for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to boost your productivity with bump2version! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you master the art of using the branch name in your commit message.

How do I use the branch name in my commit message with bump2version?

You can use the `{branch}` placeholder in your commit message template to include the current branch name. For example, you can use `bump2version –message ‘[{branch}] New release: {{new_version}}’` to include the branch name in your commit message.

Can I customize the format of the branch name in the commit message?

Yes, you can customize the format of the branch name by using Python’s string formatting. For example, you can use `bump2version –message ‘[{branch:<10}] New release: {{new_version}}'` to truncate the branch name to 10 characters and pad it with spaces.

How do I exclude certain branches from including the branch name in the commit message?

You can use the `–exclude` option to exclude certain branches from including the branch name in the commit message. For example, you can use `bump2version –exclude master –message ‘[{branch}] New release: {{new_version}}’` to exclude the `master` branch.

Can I use the branch name in other parts of the bump2version configuration?

Yes, you can use the branch name in other parts of the bump2version configuration, such as in the `version` or `tag` formats. For example, you can use `bump2version –version ‘{branch}-{new_version}’` to include the branch name in the version string.

Are there any limitations to using the branch name in the commit message with bump2version?

While bump2version is very flexible, there are some limitations to using the branch name in the commit message. For example, if you’re using a very long branch name, it may exceed the maximum length of the commit message. Additionally, some Git hooks may not support the use of placeholders in commit messages.